Saturday, 10 July 2010

NOVA Specials - Not your average girl!

'inNOVAtion' - meaning:
1. something new or different introduced
2. introduction of new things or methods

The Nova skin was made using a new technique that Lion is very keen to use on all of her new collections that you will see throughout the summer. It's fresh, breathtakingly beautiful and will give you such a unique look that you're bound to stand out from the crowd!!

Lion has been working frantically since the release of NOVA at the LeeZu Satelite Store and heres what she has been working so hard on ....
Lionskins proudly introduces NOVA BLONDE, PINK and RED and a brand new Mainstore !!!

NOVA BLONDE, PINK and RED are not your typical pretty woman style skins that you will see on the catwalks. These are skins worn by people that want to be free to express their style and feelings in their own unique way and want to break the mold of normality.

Each version comes in one tone, pale and each colour pack has 10 different make ups to choose from. The cleavage this time is on each of the skins so there is no need for clothing layers.

Each pack includes
  •  Skin with Hairbase (in the colour you selected)
  •  Skin without Hairbase
  • Skin with Freckles
  • Skin without Freckles
  • Hairbase attachment (in the same colour as the hairbase selection you made)
There are also lots of new shapes coming soon made specially for NOVA skins.

All available NOW, in the fantastic new store, so what you waiting for !!!

Just incase that wasn't enough excitement for you, Lion is sending a new gift out to the LionSkins Update Group directly after this notice. Wooo hoooooo!!!

We look forward to seeing you.

Lion Jonesford- CEO Lionskins
LionSkins Management Team.

1 comment:

  1. 1 just purchased a Nova skin in's entirely FABULOUS. OMG - the eyes are to die for. Brilliant.
